Adventures 2013

This year has a European flavour with a stay in a Villa in Portugal, driving tour of Brittany, home exchange in a farmhouse in Gascony and of course a return to the farmhouse in Derbyshire.

Let the adventures begin and may they be full of life experiences!

Note scroll down for blog archive

About Me

Now we are retired we spend three months each year travelling. This blog records some of our adventures! · 2012 Hong Kong, Jordan, France, Cuba and England. · 2011: Copenhagen, Derbyshire and Bavaria ...wonderful! · 2010: New Zealand, South America, Denmark, UK and Africa! · 2009 Dubai, Italy, Portugal, England and of and of course a year in Gunnison, Colorado.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

All roads lead to Lourdes

Haircut done and walk abandoned.... What to do now?  Roger had become obsessed with the English/French mountaineer Henry Russell.  We discover there is an exhibition of his exploits in the Castle of the Comptes de Bigorre,  in Lourdes.  The weather is heating up but up the hill we go, only to find they have never heard of Henry Russell.  Ah well, fate of us all I guess.  

We decide to visit the castle anyway.  A strange concept, gentry on one side of the stairway and locked doors keeping prisoners at bay on the other side.  The views from the top are amazing.  Lunch is munched among the miniature villages that have been recreated in the gardens and then rashly we decide to wander down and have a look at Lourdes itself.  
Our walk down is really pleasant, not too many people because of the floods and then suddenly we were in amongst it.  Its like a religious Blackpool, a sort of religious theme park, but sad because for so many people its their only hope.  The stats are 1 in 3 million people are 'cured' and of course the definition of 'cured' is fuzzy.  Not that I mind that, the placebo effect must impact and I'm sure lots of people go home feeling 'better'.  Its the tackiness.  The 'make a buck' kind of attitude.  People were desperately buying candles for 200 Euros and a litre of water from the spring for 100 Euros.  True they had lots of fountains where you could fill your container, but it all just seemed so dodgy.

Ah well I just don't get it I guess.

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