Adventures 2013

This year has a European flavour with a stay in a Villa in Portugal, driving tour of Brittany, home exchange in a farmhouse in Gascony and of course a return to the farmhouse in Derbyshire.

Let the adventures begin and may they be full of life experiences!

Note scroll down for blog archive

About Me

Now we are retired we spend three months each year travelling. This blog records some of our adventures! · 2012 Hong Kong, Jordan, France, Cuba and England. · 2011: Copenhagen, Derbyshire and Bavaria ...wonderful! · 2010: New Zealand, South America, Denmark, UK and Africa! · 2009 Dubai, Italy, Portugal, England and of and of course a year in Gunnison, Colorado.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Back to Mayhem

Whoo! Coming back down was just so easy. We got back to the square where the festivities had truly heated up. Within seconds the members of our group disappeared into the melee . I will never forget two images. A whole village group disappearing up the hill that was such a wheezing effort for us - but for them it was a cacophony of music and laughter as effortlessly they swung their way up the hill.

The other image is of a VERY drunken guy.. happy as Larry (Now who was he?!) lurching towards the pathway up over the hills. His very happy wife was steering him towards home (now how many miles up up hill did they have to walk?). Suddenly the party sounds caught his ear and quick as a flash he was back down the hill and dancing once more!

VERY sad wife!

After a day that started at 5.00am and a 2 hour walk we were really glad to see Mr Valerio who lead us along dark narrow pathways full of "happy" villagers. 30 minutes later we were greeted by Isabelle who had our meal ready... soup, vegetarian pasta and Munya ( mint tea)
Isabella and her daughter Isa cooking dinner for us
The question of do you want to go back to the festival was greeted by grunts... it was 10.00pm and we were ready to sleep!.. Mmmm 5 heavy blankets, no problem! The noise of donkeys braying now that was another matter.

After about 2 hours of blissful sleep I suddenly realised that the donkeys had stopped braying but there was a different sound.... "Oh no!" That was a sound that over the years I have come to dread. An asthmatic desperately trying to breath. Roger was having a REALLY, REALLY bad attack. What do do? NO electricity! A quick whiff of medication ... Roger sort of sleeping and MOI... totally panic and only the donkeys for company.

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