Adventures 2013

This year has a European flavour with a stay in a Villa in Portugal, driving tour of Brittany, home exchange in a farmhouse in Gascony and of course a return to the farmhouse in Derbyshire.

Let the adventures begin and may they be full of life experiences!

Note scroll down for blog archive

About Me

Now we are retired we spend three months each year travelling. This blog records some of our adventures! · 2012 Hong Kong, Jordan, France, Cuba and England. · 2011: Copenhagen, Derbyshire and Bavaria ...wonderful! · 2010: New Zealand, South America, Denmark, UK and Africa! · 2009 Dubai, Italy, Portugal, England and of and of course a year in Gunnison, Colorado.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Crested Butte Music Festival

Got back to Gunni to find Summer had arrived. Wildflowers and festivals everywhere!!! We had booked tickets to three events...........Beer and Beethoven in the Barn. Fantastic. A totally wonderful evening as we listened to the Pastoral in a unique environment. Also at the Barn we heard "The infamous stringdusters" Yeah great fun...........more like jazz than bluegrass. Great night. Coming out as always there is a stunning mountain view. Phew! What a place!

Our final event was at a stunning mansion to hear 8 great singers sing excerpts from the Opera. An incredible setting, fabulous music and yummie wine and canopes.

Life is good!

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