Adventures 2013

This year has a European flavour with a stay in a Villa in Portugal, driving tour of Brittany, home exchange in a farmhouse in Gascony and of course a return to the farmhouse in Derbyshire.

Let the adventures begin and may they be full of life experiences!

Note scroll down for blog archive

About Me

Now we are retired we spend three months each year travelling. This blog records some of our adventures! · 2012 Hong Kong, Jordan, France, Cuba and England. · 2011: Copenhagen, Derbyshire and Bavaria ...wonderful! · 2010: New Zealand, South America, Denmark, UK and Africa! · 2009 Dubai, Italy, Portugal, England and of and of course a year in Gunnison, Colorado.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Arrived in Vancouver to beautiful sunshine and with the warm sun on our backs boarded the Veendam. I must admit I have never wanted to do a cruise but this was just great. What I loved most of all was the fact that from our room we could watch the mountains drifing by. A nevcr ending and ever changing landscape. The food was fab and there was enough to do without it being over the top.

They had a great quartet that played chamber music, a well stocked library where you could read while wildlife watching (Yep we saw orcas, humpbacks, sea lions, eagles, puffins, arctic terns to name but a few). We spent three days on shore at Ketchigan, Juneau and Scagway before disembarking at Seward.

Snorkelling, rafting, hiking, horseriding and canoeing as well as sightseeing the towns made the trip great fun.

Middle photo is of our waiter "Julie" great amusement as we shared our name. Was unsure whether to share with him that traditionally Julie is a girl's name. Each day we got delivered to our cabin a copy of the hightlights from the New York Times and as we were Aussies news from Oz along with detailed information about the next port.

Photos of excursions to follow. Remember if you want to enlarge the photos just click on them. Also you can now comment on the photos so that everyone can read them or just keep sending emails to Love getting them and hearing your news
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