Adventures 2013

This year has a European flavour with a stay in a Villa in Portugal, driving tour of Brittany, home exchange in a farmhouse in Gascony and of course a return to the farmhouse in Derbyshire.

Let the adventures begin and may they be full of life experiences!

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About Me

Now we are retired we spend three months each year travelling. This blog records some of our adventures! · 2012 Hong Kong, Jordan, France, Cuba and England. · 2011: Copenhagen, Derbyshire and Bavaria ...wonderful! · 2010: New Zealand, South America, Denmark, UK and Africa! · 2009 Dubai, Italy, Portugal, England and of and of course a year in Gunnison, Colorado.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Land of the eternal hippie.... Christiania

Now we had never heard of Christiania ... but my oh my... what a place. We viewed the rules first up ...
No guns. No violence. No stealing No hard drugs.

Ok so where are we..."Pusher Street" Just couldn't believe it, all these little stalls with joints and hash cakes set out, complete with price lists. When we got back we found out that it was quite an amazing community. It has been going since 1971, has its own community rules, currency, businesses and schools.

Its incredible that a group of people took over disused army barracks and the government has been trying to move them on ever since. So far no luck and the community has continued to thrive.
For those of you who have asked... yes those are drugs for sale in the bottom left hand picture.

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