Adventures 2013

This year has a European flavour with a stay in a Villa in Portugal, driving tour of Brittany, home exchange in a farmhouse in Gascony and of course a return to the farmhouse in Derbyshire.

Let the adventures begin and may they be full of life experiences!

Note scroll down for blog archive

About Me

Now we are retired we spend three months each year travelling. This blog records some of our adventures! · 2012 Hong Kong, Jordan, France, Cuba and England. · 2011: Copenhagen, Derbyshire and Bavaria ...wonderful! · 2010: New Zealand, South America, Denmark, UK and Africa! · 2009 Dubai, Italy, Portugal, England and of and of course a year in Gunnison, Colorado.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Deep Creek

Congratulations to Anna who has just finished the Hume and Hovel Walk Track....What anachievement!
Anna joined us on the walk to Deep Creek organised by Coastal Enviromental Centre . The Centre has received a grant to collect survey the flora and fauna... the team leader shows us how to collect samples of hair which are then analysed back at the Environmental Centre. Gorgeous day only marred by smoke from a distant bushfire.
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Through the eyes of a microscope

Woah... getting really into taking photos through a microscope.... has anyone done this? going to check if there is a "gadget" to attach to my camera/microscope.
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Go Turtles

Turtles just pipped at the post - runners up in this season's competition! Great play Caleb......Bravo team.... champions next season.
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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Son of possum man

Those pesky possums have a new home since Caleb blocked up the "Possum Highway" Hopefully they will move back into their little possum house in the Jacaranda tree!!
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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Groovy Garfish

Just love this restaurant................great meal..........walked home on a sultry evening along the beach and spent the evening chatting on the of my favourite places in the world.
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Balmain Bliss

Yeah! Garlic prawns, Thai Beef Salad, Sweet Potato Salad, Chicken Risotto, Bread with balsamic and oils, Tirimasu.............Great company and yummy wine... Go Coralie!

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Farewell to all that!

23rd March, 2010 - Hey end of term dinner coincided with my retirement. Lovely to see so many friends and family at a great venue on Narrabeen Lake! Now madly packing for our world trip!!
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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Caught up with Kate!

Great to catch up with Kate on such a glisteningly beautiful day in Manly ... seem to be so many changes in people's lives. Go Kate!
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Tapas and Shakespeare

Back to Angel Place for Brandenburg's latest performance "Tapas" - Much different to their usual stuff.... What do you think? Listen here.
Also saw a very different performance of Lear. The first act included an amazing percussionist who provided a musical commentary which for me totally ruined the play. The actors seemed to be struggling against the omnipresent noise of drums, xylophones, cymbals and frentic action. Thank god the drum kit was moved behind the scenes for the second act... John Bell was absolutely stunning!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tra La La

Woah! I was having so much trouble singing the Polovetsian Dances when the lovely Jill said she would help out by playing the Alto line for me! What fun! Thanks to Wanda who helped with all that tricky timing.

Listen to Polovetsian Dances here - What joy!
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Lets go bush!

Just love the fact that we can do SO many bushwalks all within 20 minutes of where we live. Mermaids Pool - just looks fantastic with so much water.
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Sagoi Sagoi revisited

Went on a nostalgic trip to our land in the Blue Mountains..... slow trip up as there was a dreadful accident on the M4. So off we went to Windsor, Richmond (twice as we took a wrong turn) Bells line of road and then into Blackheath. Fell into all our old routines, cappuccinos from the deli, sourdough bread from bakery, fresh salad, cheeses and meats and then down to Dawson's Rock for a picnic lunch.

Always a bit heart wrenching when we walk onto "our" land. But surprise, surprise they have started clearing the land ready to build! They will get spectacular views. New road put in and trees cut to be used in the building. Had to smile ruefully when we saw the old red BBQ gleaming there among the remnants of the burnt out caravan.

Feeling a bit sad we headed off to the Blue Mountains Blues festival but not really in the mood any more and the $95 entrance fee put us off a bit.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Let there be COLOUR!

Finally, finally getting the house back together. Painters came and fixed up ceilings in bedrooms and we decided to put some (just a little) colour in our bedroom!
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Friday, March 12, 2010

The night Wendy & Anne came to town!

Such a good night...Wendy & Anne visited from London and Coralie dropped over from Balmain! Far too much good wine, laughter and shared stories. Look forward to catching up in June in London!!!!!
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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dam, Dam, Damn good night!

What a fantastic afternoon, walking at Manly Dam, haven't been on that walk for years. Loved meeting up with Linda and Michael - an amazing couple, travelling around Oz at the moment promoting the water system they have developed. Very jealous of their converted bus! They return to Cornwall with a very entrepreneurial plan to set up garden allotments.

Met Margaret and Kim for the first time - Diana's art students who have become good friends. Loved hearing their stories of travel. Seems like the whole of Australia is travelling the world at the moment!
Diana is so talented - her paintings are just superb and she well deserves all the prizes and accolades she gets.

What a fun afternoon/evening.... all a bit sluggish getting on the move the next morning!

This amazing plant "Midnight glory?" not sure I have got the name right blossomed the evening we were there - stunning and the study for Diana's latest painting.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Taronga at Twilight

Wow! What a fantastic evening! Hot, hot day and then to Taronga.... forecast rain and storms BUT it was just glorious. Love the feeling of the Harbour moving from a bright day into the blue sky of night. Richard Tognetti was fantastic - So many years since I heard Carnival of the Animals and have NEVER heard the Leunig narration. So good! Jack Thompson who looked so old BUT did a great job.

Cannot believe how Tongnetti makes that violin sing. Julian Thompson was just brilliant on cello. It is so Sydney to sit eating chicken, seafood, salad and sipping champagne. I LUV it. Good on yer Caleb for being the chauffeur.

Blissful night.
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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Farewell to the Ghetto Restaurant

Had a lovely evening with Caleb and Jacob at the "Ghetto Restaurant" . They had prepared a great meal ... tuna entree, Thai Beef Salad and Betty Chocolate cake.

A bit sad as they prepared to move out of their Dee Why apartment, Jacob to travel for 6 months and Caleb to house sit for us while we are away.

Go boys!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Happy 21 Birthday Brandenburg

What a fantastic evening at Angel Place. As it was the Brandeburg's 21 Birthday the atmosphere was electric and Phillipe Jaroussky was just brilliant! Listen here (Paste into your browser if it doesn't come up)