What a fantastic afternoon, walking at Manly Dam, haven't been on that walk for years. Loved meeting up with Linda and Michael - an amazing couple, travelling around Oz at the moment promoting the water system they have developed. Very jealous of their converted bus! They return to Cornwall with a very entrepreneurial plan to set up garden allotments.
Met Margaret and Kim for the first time - Diana's art students who have become good friends. Loved hearing their stories of travel. Seems like the whole of Australia is travelling the world at the moment!
Diana is so talented - her paintings are just superb and she well deserves all the prizes and accolades she gets.
What a fun afternoon/evening.... all a bit sluggish getting on the move the next morning!
This amazing plant "Midnight glory?" not sure I have got the name right blossomed the evening we were there - stunning and the study for Diana's latest painting.